Responsibilities of a software engineer
Softwares are an important part for almost everything in our life. Many fields, such as medical, industrial, business, and science need softwares. Software Engineer's work is related to softwares.
They don't just CODE, they design, develope, maintain, test, and evaluate softwares and systems behind not only computers but also systems that allow everything contain software work.
Anywhere between $75,160 and $124,440
2015 median pay is $100,690 per year (which is $48.41 per hour)

Wow!That is really high!
Income of software Engineer is higher tham most of the computer-related jobs.
Click if you want to learn more about salaries!
Projected growth
The growth of the emplyment of software engineer is projected to grow 17% between 2014 to 2024, whcih is much faster than the average growth for other careers. This is mainly due to the rapid increase of demands in computer fields.
Education Requirement
Typical entry level of Software Engineering is a Bachelpr's Degree, either in Computer Science or Software Enginnering.
In fact, many people who work as a software engineer have a Computer Science degree in the U.S, simply because the major 'Software Engineering' occurs 30 years after 'Computer Science'

While both majors require a fundamentals in programming, and basic computer science theory, Softeware Engineering focus more on the topics that are essential to the agenda.

If forget, Click to go back and check the SE responsibilities!
Skills needed
  1. Learn how to build software that is user-friendly:
    • That is useful and usable by the user, and satisfy all their requirements
2.Lig ical and structured thinking & Pay attention to details!
  • Problems can arise from the smallest errors, and it might messed up the whole software, which requires patience and also problem solving ability (Think OUTSIDE of the box!)
3.MOST IMPORTANT ONE: know how to code in at least one language:
  • Phython
  • C++
  • etc.
A day in life
Some works that a software engineer does every day
  1. Work fast!:
    Code a lot of codes and go back and 'kill' what don't work
  2. Be who you are and let your work speak for you!
  3. Working with other engineers on new technologies
  4. Spend most of the time revealing codes
  5. Working with colleagues to figure out a solution
  6. A really RELAXING environment to work in
Another video!
Why Software Engineering interest me
Software Engineering covers a really broad area since almost everything have softwares installed in them. Going into software engineering means I am able to do almost everything related to STEM fields (not physically building things though).
And I always like the process of seeing something being created, I think software engineering is also a way to creat things. Software Engineers come up with ideas and write the programs together as a group, which is the perfect demonstration of what I like!
It is possible for me to build a video game; or write a program that help to diagnose datas, which is very helpful for researchers; and many other stuff! The variation of things that software engineering related to really opened a lot of doors and provide many opportunities for me!
Thank You!